Sunday, January 13, 2019


Well folks here it is 2019 another year older, slightly burned out but still smoking. And of course I'm still dreaming. Dreaming of a brand new world where all my brothers and sisters walk hand in hand. Living together, realizing we are all ONE and that when we harm another we are actually harming ourselves. Sometimes I just don't get it. Then at times I seem to understand things a bit better and on and on it goes. I refuse to give up on my dreams even when things seem to get so screwed up. After all these years of striving to understand things and to become the human being I wish to one day be I have finally realized that personally I don't know squat! I don't have the answers that plague humanity. I don't know where we are all headed. I don't know what happens when we depart this 3D world of illusion. I really don't know much of anything if truth be told. But I remain steadfast in my belief that all any of us need to learn to do is to love everybody! Just think for a moment what a wonderful experience this could be for everyone if we all did just love each other. I have finally arrived at the point of realization that all I can personally do is to try and be the change I wish to see. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm only going to continue to try and love and accept everybody as my brother and my sister. This Path I have chosen is a hard one for sure. I don't claim to always be successful in everything I do but I am trying to be that change. Here's hoping this new year will bring each one of you beautiful people much love, joy, peace of mind, and contentment. Be good to yourself and even better to others. By doing that maybe this can help bring you all the joy and love you need to have a most wonderful experience as a human being. I send much love and all good blessings your way.