Wednesday, August 19, 2015


What is the last thing you think about when you go to bed to get some rest? I sure hope it is something positive. I have heard it said that what our last thoughts are before bedtime is what we awaken to the next morning. If that is true then it is no wonder why so many of us struggle each day. If we are having thoughts about what we have to do, or what we have to face up to, then our sleep will not be quite as peaceful as they could be. If we are worried about something in the future instead of focusing on the NOW moment I can see trouble just waiting to happen. Here is the thing as I see it. If we can truly relax before hitting that bed and focus on all the "good" stuff in our lives, then our sleep will probably be peaceful. As human beings it is tough to keep our inner most thoughts on love, peace, and joy when we are struggling in any area of our lives. The more one thinks about all the "bad" stuff in our world the more our subconscious keeps on giving us more of the same. I would like to share with you the way I try to make sure I get a restful and peaceful sleep. When I lay down I take a few moments to just relax my body and my mind. This is not always simple to do because like most of us there are a lot of things of a negative nature going on in my subconscious and conscious mind. I usually use some kind of meditation technique to relax and to clear my mind of all the garbage that have made their way to my mind. Once I am relaxed I then just give thanks to the Great Spirit for allowing me to be alive in this 3D world. I don't ask for anything because I know that Spirit already knows what I need. I only express gratitude. I also go back in my mind of the day just past and think of all it entailed. Did I do anything that hurt another? Did I do my very best in sharing unconditional love with everyone? Did I smile a lot? Did I say hello to others I met on the street? Did I hold that door open for another? Did my deeds hurt anyone's feelings? Did I accept the best not only for myself but others as well? And if I do remember something I said or did that affected anyone in a negative way I make sure I try to not repeat that mistake tomorrow. I try my best to be brutally honest with myself as I ask these questions. And if I think anyone has offended me instead of cursing them I try to see why I allowed them to do so. After these questions I then just allow my mind to quiet itself and I focus on the changes I would like to see in this world. And what I can do to help with that healing. Usually this helps me to sleep better and also to forgive myself for any misdeeds I may have done today. I make lots of mistakes along the way of this life but I work diligently every day to try and improve on the way my life is going. Do I always sleep soundly and restful? No, not always since for some reason I have to deal with night terrors very often in my dreams. Probably some of that is due to the medications I have to take for physical pain. But with everything else aside I can assure you I go to sleep with a "clean" slate for tomorrow. I believe all of us should take a real hard look at ourselves every night and see if we are doing all we can to help this world be one of peace and happiness for all. I'm just one man and know I can't solve all the problems but I also realize I can make myself a better human being. And if even one life has been made easier by me being here then I have succeeded. (Thank you Ralph Waldo Emerson) May all of us begin right now to do any thing we can to assist in healing the world. One step at a time, one person at a time. Working together we can make a difference! My hope is that you join us on the path of learning how to love. I will be leaving for a couple of weeks to see our kids and grandkids so I may not be posting until we return home. But be assured all of you will remain with me in my heart until we meet again. Take this moment. Enjoy it! Embrace it! Love it! Try to do a random act of kindness for someone and I'm sure at the end of the day you will feel better about yourself. And with that you may just enjoy your best night of sleep in a while! I leave you now with thoughts of perfect love, perfect peace, and perfect joy.

4 comments: said...

Namaste brother Ron, wonderful sentiments indeed. There is no choice more perfect than the decision to love without condition. Your consistency is remarkable, as is your dedication dear brother. As always, I tip my cap to your spirit as I dwell in your wisdom. How often I find myself honoured to partake in your presence.

In Lak' ech brother, prosper with love... as you live with integrity...

captron52 said...

Hi Christopher I thank you for the kind words even if I don't think of myself as being wise. It is only through others such as yourself, that I am able to make any sense at all of this world. Thanks for the visit. It is always great to hear from you.

Unknown said...

How do we define Love? Man has been trying to do that since the beginning, as well as the poets, as well as you, Captron52. How would I define it, "keeping it short?" "All possibilities are best friends with it." Brian Jarpey

captron52 said...

Thanks Brian