Saturday, September 26, 2015


Keep it simple stupid. I've been aware of that old adage for many years now. And still I find myself at times being drawn back into the illusions of this world we call home. I am reminded of a verse from a song written by Ric Ocasik who was the lead singer of a group called The Cars. The verse goes like this: Maybe you're on a mission trying to get a leg across,, but nobody wants to listen, cause everyone is getting lost.  As I listen to this song I am reminded of how we as a human race cannot seem to agree as to how to end all the negative stuff going on around us every day. It seems to me that even the "good" people who wish to see a change don't really know how to go about doing it. One belief clashes with another and on and on it goes. In the meantime while we continue to argue and try to get our message across, the "bad" people continue to keep us chained down by telling us what we can eat, what we can drink, smoke, or even how we should dress! I don't get it! Maybe its just me I don't know. Still I try to get "my" message across to others. And that message is just to love each other and realize we are all ONE. I don't know if anyone is listening or not and sometimes I think I will just learn to let go and just "watch" what is going on. I tend to think that maybe my message seems too simple for others to accept. Us human beings tend to think that we have to make things "hard" to get anything done at all. Guess I'll just continue on my personal path of love and kindness and keep it simple! To all of you I share my love and hope you all have a most wonderful weekend ahead.


deepian said...

Some people are listening, as we try to find our own ways... but, as I see it, those who argue are already off the rails! We can only change ourselves - we cannot change others, but can only hope to influence them positively. Each of us has to find our own truth. Indeed it may well be better to simply observe others with detachment as we focus on transforming our own selves. But I do feel that your messages to the rest of us are not in vain. You are planting seeds. Some of these will take root and grow. Do not despair - in loving unity you have already found the source of all that you need.

love and light

captron52 said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you Ian! Thanks for the visit and for sharing your thoughts with us. May your light continue to shine brightly!

Anonymous said...

Its all good, Cap, we're listening. And appreciating what you have to say.All written with great meaning.We see that, and know there's a lot of good out there, one only needs to unplug from the media every now and again.I've been listening to music instead.It works in soothing the soul.
I send many warm hugs to you my friend. I hope wellness your way, and happiness in the simple things you find along the way.


captron52 said...

thank you Dee for stopping in and for the kind words. I know what you mean about the music! Good music is food for the soul! Thanks for the well wishes and I send the same to you and that beautiful family of yours. said...

Namaste brother; parts of the whole. I love ten grain bread, what if I only loved nine of the ten grains, would the loaf become worthless or diminished in any way?

Brother, your words, as your actions, carry great weight. Often, I have messaged you urging to remember your presence as a fractal tug on the sleeve of consciousness. As such, your message are, like a diamond, both rare and valuable.

Carry your torch brother, allow the light to shine forth, as this undoubtedly is your path. However, fear not the darkness which stands before your torch of wisdom. Disquiet in darkness reflects uncertainty in the footsteps yet to be traced.

In Lak' ech brother Ron, Prosper with love... live with absolute acceptance...

captron52 said...

Thanks Christopher. Believe me I am listening. If only this old hard head of mine would stop getting in the way at times! Your words do speak volumes to me. Thanks again my friend