Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Today I share with you a song from the late great John Lennon

People say I'm crazy, doing what I'm doing
They give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin
When I tell them I'm ok watching shadows on the wall
Surely you're not happy now, you're no longer on the ball

People say I'm lazy, dreaming my life away
They give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me
 I tell them that I'm doing fine, just sitting here doing time

People asking questions lost in confusion
I tell them there's no problems only solutions
Well they shake their heads and look at me
As if I've lost my mind

I tell them there's no hurry I'm just sitting here doing time
I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
No longer riding on the merry-go-round
I just had to let it go I just had to let it go

There it is my friends. May all of you wonderful folks be able to let it go and enjoy the moment you find yourself in right now. Be good to yourself and even better to others.

5 comments: said...

Namaste brother Ron, these quoted lyrics set the table perfectly for your spiritual growth. Allow me to extract the portions which best support many of our previous threads.

"They give me all kinds of warnings to save me from ruin
When I tell them I'm ok watching shadows on the wall
Surely you're not happy now, you're no longer on the ball"

Often brother, I wish you could be happy seeing shadows on the wall. You wish so much to see a better, more loving, world. John, having spent a great deal of time with spiritual masters, embraced the knowledge that ALL is perfect. Observe, choose another path, but more than anything Ron, see perfection in all moments, all experiences, all manifest reality.

"People say I'm lazy, dreaming my life away
They give me all kinds of advice designed to enlighten me
I tell them that I'm doing fine, just sitting here doing time"

We are all doing just fine Ron, how could we not, each of us is love. My desire for you is that one day you will be okay doing fine, doing time. Release your anxiety of a world in maya, this is the reflecion of perfection, this is how the NOW moment is meant to BE!

"People asking questions lost in confusion
I tell them there's no problems only solutions
Well they shake their heads and look at me
As if I've lost my mind"

Truly brother, there are no problems, the solution will always be love. John understood that to desire to change your world merely reflects your inability to see the world as it truly is SINGULAR< PERFECT< LOVING

"I tell them there's no hurry I'm just sitting here doing time
I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
No longer riding on the merry-go-round
I just had to let it go I just had to let it go"

The perfect ending brother Ron. May you discover the peace and serenity of getting off the merry-go-round. Watch the wheels go around, but do not feel compelled to absorb yourself in the grief, maya and disparity. Let it go brother, like John says so eloquently, "just let it go."

We do not diminish ourselves when we fail to react to maya. Quite the opposite brother Ron, we embrace the totality which is the SELF.

In Lak' ech, brother Ron, prosper with peace... live with truth... said...

Namaste brother Ron, this is a perfect lyrical quote to remember when the beast which demands change rises in your heart. If I may reach into the prose to highlight John's wisdom.

"When I tell them I'm ok watching shadows on the wall
Surely you're not happy now, you're no longer on the ball"

Often brother, I wish you were capable of just watching shadows on the wall. There is no need to improve upon perfection, no need to dispel maya. We grow as we accept, we become more as we include. There can be no exception when all manifest reality is, in its true essence, love.

"I tell them that I'm doing fine, just sitting here doing time"

Acceptance of all that is, no desire to see or affect change.

"I tell them there's no problems only solutions
Well they shake their heads and look at me
As if I've lost my mind"

It may seem insane to believe that all manifest reality is perfect Ron. There are no problems, only the one solution you know, and live, oh so very well. LOVE!

"I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round
No longer riding on the merry-go-round
I just had to let it go I just had to let it go"

The perfect ending to a great song Ron. How I wish you find in your heart the ability to get off the merry-go-around. It is fine to watch it go around, however, there is no need to feel compelled to hop on. This is not about 'doing nothing' Ron, it's about acceptance, inclusiveness, singularity of expression.

In Lak' ech brother, prosper with John's wisdom... live by embracing his joy...

captron52 said...

Hey Christopher You and John are both so very right. I know things are always perfect. And I find myself more each day learning to just let all the B/S pass without it making me feel "bad" I know I have much left to learn in regards to just Watching the Wheels. It's just hard at times for me to deny that there are so many of us still "hurting" simply because we haven't fully recognized that part of ourselves which simply Knows. My ego still insists on having its way at times. But I am getting "better". Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with us. May your light continue to shine brightly! said...

Excuse the duplicity, I sure wish I knew that the original post had published instead of recreating the points of interest. Oh well, all is good.

captron52 said...

Aw, you can't write too much for my liking. Even if it happens to be a duplicate! Have a terrific weekend and maybe catch a salmon for me!