Saturday, October 31, 2015


Love-a little four letter word that should suffice as the only thing we need in this life. Here is my( and own personal take on what those 4 letters could stand for)

L.  As in Leaving. Leaving all those false beliefs of what is so important in this 3d world. Also to leave behind any feelings of hate, prejudice, pride and so forth. Leave all that b/s behind and fill in that empty space with nothing but unconditional love.

O. As in opportunity. All of us have within us right now the ability and the opportunity to begin accepting that pure love is the one thing this world needs the most. And all of us have boundless opportunity to spread the word and to share our love and our light with the world.

V. As in victory. We may not yet realize just how powerful we are. But when we finally decide to exert our power of pure love and extend it to everyone, it is then we will start to see the changes we wish to see for a better world.

E. As in everyone. No matter what the circumstances all of us have the innate ability to be the love we wish to see. That is ALL of us. No one need be left behind as we strive to spread this idea of love to the entire planet.

Again this is just one man's opinion but I do hope to see many others hop aboard this train of life that is powered solely by pure unconditional love.  May all of you wonderful people enjoy the one eternal moment you now find yourself in. My love goes out to everyone. Bless you all.


deepian said...

I LOVE this post :)

captron52 said...

Hi Ian Glad you agree. Thanks for the visit. As always the very best to you and yours said...

Namaste brother, this post is perfect. Nothing more need be said.

In Lak' ech, prosper with perfection... live with unconditional love... said...

Namaste brother, I see that I have finally caught up to your words of wisdom. As always is the case, you have enriched my life, brought wisdom to my day. No doubt you have observed my lack of presence in the blogging world. There have been many changes in my life of late. Foremost of those changes, Amanda and I have finally parted ways. This is a good change, one, as you know, has been long in the cards. Additionally, I have moved back to the island. Presently, I find myself blessed by the Gods as I live in a cabin by a beautiful salmon river.

The last three months I have been rediscovering my true self. The freedom is absolutely incredible, it makes me wonder why it took so long to get to this point of peaceful existence. Each day, more like a few times a day, I find myself with fly rod in hand, chasing twenty pound salmon from my home to the estuary by the ocean. The salmon runs have now finished for the year, which has led me to my true loves; writing, reading and learning. The hearth burns hot, emitting the warming aroma of Cedar, a cozy companion for taking the pleasure of your prose.

Thank you for being such a valued friend, spiritual adviser, enduring beacon of love. Your presence in my life Ron, is a jewel of which I cherish greatly. Given the chance to catch up with the blogs of friends, I will soon recommence writing my own posts, inspired by your infinite wisdom, the first will be an essay on love. Be well brother Ron, may your griefs be few and your joys be many.

In Lak' ech, dear brother Ron, prosper with love... love with the same joy you bring others...

captron52 said...

Thank you Christopher for the very kind words. So glad you found your peaceful state once again. Isn't it strange how we humans oft times just lose the fact that things are always perfect? The gentle words you use in describing myself as love and wisdom go way past who I am. As you know I am only pushing aside my ego self and allowing the Infinite to express thru my writings. Myself, I am nothing, while at the same time I am everything. I could say the same exact words to not only describe yourself but also to express my true love for having you in my life. As a friend, a mentor, a brother, and a shining light! Peace to you and enjoy your time always as you are right now. Thanks again my friend

Unknown said...

Do we think Love is eluding us? Just look around you. As Krishnamurti said "Do you need help? Help is all around you." "Paradise is available with just a shift in perception (those are my own thoughts)"

Unknown said...

Is Love in your bank account? No. But it's hard to avoid money in this world, no matter how much we'd like to (end. sent. with a prep.) Another song, perhaps also inspired by John Lennon: "All You Need is Love." (which I was writing in my spiral notebook for awhile)
I was just a young boy in the 1960's, but the grass, the sparrows (Gulls, too), the sky are still the same, so the message must still be the same.

Unknown said...

The best thing about Love is that it takes no time. It is timeless. It is available in each moment equally. So, take advantage of it!

Unknown said...

Any comment you make about Love goes into the ethereal atmosphere. Which is good since Love has nothing to do with substance ("If it's got atoms it's not real.") (Or, two bi-plane wings converging and melding together).

Unknown said...

Even though we "speak" of Love, can we experience it as a reality? Actually, Love and reality are very close, as my close friend, Donald Shimoda, tells me. "If you don't think Love fills every parsecle of the Is, you're mistaken," Don says. "But the more you think about it, the more it will elude you," he also says.

Unknown said...

What has innocence to do with Love? It's the main point of Life. For it is only in the state of innocence that one can see all the Love surrounding you.

Unknown said...

"Why'd you run over your wife with your car?" the lawyer asked the man in court. "Because she told me all about Love.," the man answered. As a male we can have those feminine voices inside of us telling us about Love. In the book, Beyond the Hero, it says this is especially true for someone my age, fifty-one. My dream was to be a visual artist, so I've been comfortable with my feminine side all my life (although I've often been at odds with those Heroes out there). "You may say that I'm a Dreamer (But I'm not the only One)," but I'll continue to listen to those soft voices of Love within (and contribute to the world through my Art

Unknown said...

We're all looking forward to Love, when it's in the Here and Now (Jonathan) (and Don?)

Unknown said...

I don't know what to write about Love. I'm still trying to follow Captron52's advice to me via e-mail years ago to write a thousand words a day if I want to be a writer AND a painter. I can write I had fairly loving parents, though I had my tangles with my Dad. But I think I'll write: The best thing about Love is that it's available to anybody at any time.

captron52 said...

thank you Brian for the visit and for taking time to share your thoughts with us. Please come again any time and share your wisdom with us. Thanks again. The best to you and yours always

Unknown said...

Captron52 is my favorite author. I've been flying with him and Don for over twenty years: Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah is the good paperback novel that's going to get me into Heaven (You need a good paperback novel to get into Heaven) (But where is Heaven going to be? Nebraska?) The only thing about Love from Illusions that talks about Love is where Richie asks Don: "Do you ever get lonely, Don?" And, I think Don give a pretty good answer that sums up Love, too...

Unknown said...

What do you think of loving "thought-forms," Captron52? ("If you think their not listening, whip 'em up a thought-form." Don) I want to love a couple of my "thought-forms," but I find it kind of difficult.

Unknown said...

I tried to make "friends" with you on Facebook, Captron 52.

Unknown said...

Just letting the Current take me where it will (on this the first day of the "so-called" workweek, Monday, Captron52 per Donald speaking to a multitude on a hillside, alone.

captron52 said...

Hello Brian Thanks for the visit and the kind words. I am happy you have been following my blog for so long and that you have found some things beneficial from it. I don't post on Facebook any more, way too much drama on there for my liking. But I did check and it doesn't show a friend request from you. I did however add you as a friend in your circle. Tried to click on posts from your page but it wouldn't allow me access. Feel free to contact me anytime. Thanks again and I hope you and yours have a terrific week ahead.

Unknown said...

Almost the second day of the "so-called" workweek, Captron 52, Tuesday. Just letting the Current take me where it will, per Donald speaking to a poor millman, tired of working and toiling all the time in this Life.

Unknown said...

If you are able to access my Facebook page, you'll see I've listed my Employer as God. Position: servant. I've also listed my employer as the Triple Rock Social Club (a bar), Mpls., where I work as a visual artist: painting, drawing, sculpting, Performance Art (You know there seems to be no drama in Performance Art, if you want to try it) (and now, writing?)