Monday, November 23, 2015


To all of my fellow Americans that celebrate Thanksgiving Day this coming Thursday I want to wish all of you the happiest and most loving Thanksgiving Day ever. And while I'm at it I'd like to wish the same thing to all my friends on here who live elsewhere in the world. Thanksgiving is  personally, my favorite holiday of all. It is a time when I always take some time to remind myself of just how blessed I am. Life has treated me probably better than I deserve and I have so many friends and family members who love me just as I am. I don't think a man could ask for more than that. I know all of us have different situations we find ourselves in but my sincerest hope is that at least for one day all of us will take time to reflect on all the good in our lives. If by chance any of you reading this feel like you don't have a friend in the world let me say this. I love you. No matter what you do or where you go I will always love you. I may not agree with your life choices but I still love you. And to all of you who know me personally I would say the same thing to all of you. Enjoy a special day not only on this Thursday but in every moment you have here on this earth. I am preparing to enjoy  this special time with family who means the world to me. So I will be taking a break from writing on the blog but I do hope to come back in a week or so and continue to share my thoughts with you. May all your days be bright and filled with lots of love and may the "hard" times be few. But whatever you find yourself doing I would ask that you take a quick moment and do something nice for someone. Working together I really do believe that we can turn this world around from the direction it is headed and once again learn to  live in peace and love for EVERYBODY!

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Being a human being in this world sure seems very hard at times. We all have our own personal desires and beliefs. And it seems so hard for any of us to find common ground on issues that we all face. We all want to be "right" and we all want what it is we want. That seems to be the reason why we have so many different groups fussing and fighting all the time. As I watch all this senseless b/s going on I cannot help but feel dismayed. While I realize that we are all exactly where we are supposed to be I still find it difficult to understand the actions of all of us, myself included. I have learned (thanks to many of you wonderful folks) that I just need to try and detach myself from the illusions of this world. But it is one thing to say that and yet another thing to actually do it. I know I still have so much to learn. Today I would just like to say to everyone that I love you. This includes even those who continue to kill and hurt others for no apparent reason. I know I can detest those actions but at the same time still love you and only hope that one day soon we will all realize we are ONE. I leave all of you with thoughts of peace, love, oneness, and much joy. As we tend to say here in Kentucky, Bless your heart! Remember to be the best human being you can and try to enjoy the one eternal moment that we are all in.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


The following lyrics are from a song from the Fabulous Thunderbirds.

"The whole world's gone crazy, think I've seen enough
I'm gonna sleep forever , why get up?

When I get myself going the going gets rough
So I ask myself why get up?

Well folks, that is way I feel way too often. From time to time I manage to lose sight of the fact that everything is exactly where and what it is supposed to be. I know that but I still struggle with at times. Looking out today upon this world I see groups of people killing other human beings because somehow they think their "God" wants them to do that. Well, I'm not sure what god they worship but I sure as hell don't want no part of it. Even though I find myself "judging" these killers and their misdirected actions of hate and prejudice I cannot judge them. I can only love them and hope that one day soon all of us will realize that love for everybody is the only way to go. I still can't help but feel like I am trapped in a world where I really don't belong. But then again, I know I am always right where I am supposed to be. So in a world trapped in struggle and pain, I will try to continue to just LOVE IT! I send love to everyone because that is the only thing I am capable of doing. And my hope is that all of you will join me in trying to show that love is the only answer. If you will just stop right here and put some positive thoughts out in this mixed up crazy world. This will not heal our planet in itself but it has to help a bit, don't you think? I leave all of you with thoughts of perfect love, perfect peace, and perfect understanding.

Monday, November 16, 2015


The following lyrics from a song by the Bellamy Brothers will serve as my entry for today.

"Let your love flow like a mountain stream and let your love grow with a small list of dreams and let your love show and you'll know what I mean its the season
Just let your fly like  a bird on the wing and let your love bind you to all living things and let your love shine and you'll know I mean that's the reason..........................

My sincere hope for today is that all of us will indeed let our love flow outward to infinity and thus beyond. I bless all of you with warm thoughts for a very happy and safe new week ahead. And may each one of us do something nice for someone today just because we can.