Thursday, August 17, 2017


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Ronnie McIntosh I really can understand your frustration with this Susan. In that big beautiful heart of yours lie the answers you seek. Is it ok to be angry? To be sad? To even feel disgust with your fellow man? Of course it is! This is what makes us human beings. But above all else us humans can simply Let It Be. If we see an injustice should we speak out? Of course we should! But one reminder here, as long as we focus on the negative it only gives it strength. On the other hand when we focus on unconditional love that also gives strength to Love. We must be the change we wish to see manifest. So as long as we are filled with anger, hatred and such that is what we will continue to see. Vice versa when we focus on love we begin to see that instead. Those who still live in Darkness are the ones who need our love the most! Instead of judging and hating and feeling angry all the time may we instead send as much love as possible to those folks. Give love, accept love, be love for that is truly all we are. Of course all this I have said is only my personal belief. There are many ways one can be a part of the solution instead of the problem. I suppose it is up to each of us to decide which way we need to go.Please remember that you have such a warm and beautiful heart that it will from time to time ache when you see some of the B/S that goes on in this world, but at the same time you possess the power to Love! I send much love to you and yours as always my friend.

I wanted to share with you the above answer to a friend's feelings about all the hate and negativity that seems to be so rampant not only here in the United States but around the world.I am not saying I have the answers to what is going on. I am only expressing one man's opinion and that opinion is just my Truth. I am only suggesting that all of us take an honest look within our hearts and see what lies within. The answer given to me long ago when I was in a meditative state was this, "Give love, Accept love, Be love for that is truly all you are." And to this day that is what I try my best to do. Do I come up short at times? Yes, sad to say but I do. But I keep on trying. And I keep on dreaming of a world where we all walk hand in hand. I've been called a fool, I've been taken advantage of(if that is even possible) and I've had my share of hard knocks. But at the core I have remained true to my beliefs. And I have found that is the only way it works for me.The paths to one's inner peace and enlightenment are many of this I am pretty sure but I wonder. Religion? That fails to work for me because in religion there is always a belief in fear of some sort. Fear of being cast out for a belief contrary to the church's teachings. Also most religions teach a separateness of people. Either be one of us or you are doomed! Heaven or hell they say. Maybe they are right, who am I to say? But once again there is the fear factor. Either do it our way or burn in hell. As for myself I don't claim to know what happens to us when we leave this human form. As a matter of fact I know NOTHING!Only what I believe is what I know and I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am only suggesting that we try unconditional love and have an open mind that can accept everyone's beliefs and differences without trying to force anything on anybody. Politics, That fails to work for me too. Once again there is the fear factor. Do as we say or look out! They too teach we are separate from one another. The lower class, the middle class, the upper class, the ones superior who makes all the rules that manage to keep the classes fighting against one another. Keep them at odds with each other and in the meantime we can continue to rule with an iron fist and enjoy the "easy" life we have come to know. I could go on and on but instead i am choosing to stop all this nonsense. And you know why? Because if I continue to think about all this negativity it is going to jerk me away from the life I wish to live. And when I do allow that to happen I begin to feel those negative emotions. Fear being the most destructive one of all. All of us can choose the path we wish to trod as a human being. And whatever path you happen to be on I send you blessings today. I will not judge you, I will not condemn you, I will only love you. And for me that is the best I can do. Am I a fool? Maybe? I don't really know anymore. And yet I don't really care either. You can choose to hate me because I happen to be a white male, or black woman, or a heretic or whatever else I may choose to be. But you know what I can't do anything about that other than to just love you. This world may look dark to lots of folks right now and that I can understand. But I remain steadfast in my belief that to be a part of the solution I must listen to my heart and realize we are all ONE. I bless all of you and wish you the very best of everything. Be good to yourself and even better to others.


deepian said...

Yes - there is a lot of darkness in this world - a lot of fear-mongering and selfish agendas. Yet there is also a lot of light if we look for it. We all have a choice as to whether we focus on the darkness or the light. If we open our hearts and look inside, there is unlimited love and light to be found. We are all beings of light - it is just that most of us have allowed our light to be obscured by inputs from the degrading human un-civilisation around us. Instead of shining our love all around for the benefit of all, we have allowed ourselves to be ruled by fear and dogma - we have allowed our shining selves to become cloaked in darkness. We can reverse this process by disengaging from the fear-based perspectives that predominate in human life these days. Like you Ron, I see religion as part of the problem and not part of the solution. True spirituality embraces all, even those who are spreading the fear and darkness. They are lost souls and should be pitied rather than despised.

When we let go of the perspectives of fear, control, and scarcity, and instead embrace love and light, and trust in the universe to look after us, then our lives transform. And when we transform our own lives, we also help to transform the lives of others, just through our unconscious influence. These uplifting perspectives come naturally, once we discard our cloaks of fear.

That is how I see it anyway. Like you Ron I don't know anything for sure, but I do experience what works for me and what does not. And so I share what works for me in the hope that others can find some benefit in it too.

captron52 said...

Hello Ian my friend. Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your thoughts with us. I wholeheartedly agree with every word you say! It is folks like yourself who inspire me to keep the faith so to speak. You are a very beautiful soul and I am so very grateful to be able to call you a friend. As always much love to you and yours. Let your LoveLight shine brother!

sito saguid said...

Dear captron52

everyone needs to feel good and awesome and trouble-free day in and day out but there is a lot of negativity and one has always to be aware and strive hard to be always on the positive side. it is difficult but as they say "practice makes perfect". I am always reminding myself what the beloved author Henry David Thoreau had expressed -- " to effect the quality of day is the highest of all arts " .
Thank you for this post. You titled it "for all its worth"" -- brother, this is worth lots!

captron52 said...

Hello Sito my friend. Thank you so much for the visit and the kind words. Yes, it can indeed be tough to remain positive but I am finding out it is quite possible. BTW I love Thoreau! Sure hope you and yours are feeling great this day and enjoying life to the fullest! Im looking forward to seeing more of your poetry and writings on your blog Brother. Keep up the good work. Much love to you and yours as always.

Chris Ledgerwood said...

Well said, friend! Love is truly the only way of seeing things. B
But, it isn't always easy. This life can- and will - beat you down.

captron52 said...

Hey Chris Ol Buddy. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us. I agree with you man, it sure isn't always easy to just love everybody and everything! Especially the ones who seem intent on beating you down for this or that reason! But like Brother Ian stated previously, we are all beings of Light, just that lots of us seem to have "lost" our way for the time being. And the ones who do go round spreading darkness will keep on chipping away at you and if we are not careful they can and sometimes do affect us in a very negative way. These folks are referred to as Petty Tyrants by don Juan Matus in Carlos Castenada's book series about the Shamans of old Mexico. He believed that these so called petty tyrants are some of our most wonderful teachers and instead of hating them we should be thinking them every day. Because their actions( which bring us so much heartbreak and anger etc) are only a great opportunity for us to discover and remember that we are indeed beings of Light. But as human beings we often curse and hate these folks and fight with them instead of just loving them and accepting them as they are. Again this is just my personal way of seeing things which mean absolutely nothing to anyone else. But again I do know how you feel. Life and those PTs sure seem to keep chipping at me quite often these days! But I remain steadfast in my beliefs and my dreams. Just love em all! I sincerely hope you are able to keep on rising above all the B/S in this world and are able to continue to bless all of us with your beautiful musical and writing talents! BTW if you can give me a call one day if you can. I tried to put your essay on here for others to read but the video cannot be found. As always my friend I send much love to you and yours. Be safe out there and enjoy each moment and keep up the good work Brother! said...

Namaste brother Ronnie;

there is great worth in finding paths beyond fear. Essentially, there are only two expressions. We serve ourselves well when we choose to embrace love, especially if it means we were able to release fear in the process.

Thank you for your post Ronnie, always a pleasure to partake in your lines of reason. They say we are what we eat, perhaps it is more accurate to suggest we are what we think.

In Lak'ech, prosper with love... live beyond fear...

captron52 said...

We are what we think. How true my friend.