Tuesday, June 16, 2020
To rise above the pettiness of the world around you, to give unconditional love and respect to all, to see love and perfection when others only see hate and animosity, that is the mark of a true warrior.
To realize that all living things are precious in their own special way, to look inside of ones self and truly know that all life is only a reflection of themselves, to sense the "Oneness" and unity of all beings, that is the mark of a true warrior.
To respect the "truths" of others even when they strongly disagree with your own personal truth, to smile and say I love you to those who may curse you and try to tear you down, to see clearly when things around you seem dark and full of confusion, to allow your LIGHT to brightly shine even as the world seems to try and knock you down, that is the mark of a true warrior.
To remain steadfast in your dreams of a peaceful world when all around you signs point to a world filled with violence and unrest, to see others through their eyes instead of your ego, to extend your hand in love and peace to another even though they may just have stabbed you in the back, that is the mark of a peaceful warrior.
To take a moment to quietly sit and just BE in the moment, to keep smiling when all you feel like doing is crying, to know you are already good enough without needing anyone else to validate your worth, to remain strong when others say you are weak, to forgive when others say you should seek revenge, to be content knowing what others say about you makes no difference, that is the mark of a true warrior.
To take criticism and not be offended, to be willing to listen and not to argue, to admit you still have lots to learn, to understand you really don't know much at all, to brush aside the grip of your ego self, to allow the real you to stand tall, to see failure as only another opportunity, that is the mark of a true warrior.
To remain true to one's philosophy when others tell you they think you are crazy, to remain strong in one's beliefs especially when you feel so helpless, to see the perfection, the beauty in others even when their words and actions are used to spread lies to try and hurt another, that is the mark of a peaceful warrior.
To know we judge others only from our own limited perspective, but at the same time to know we might just be wrong, to lovingly accept another's perspective of yourself without becoming bitter or demanding they understand you as you think they should, to be able to judge another's way of living without condemning them for what they think or do, to love them without demanding they change, that is the mark of a peaceful warrior.
To see beyond the illusion that we are separate, but instead to see that we are all ONE, to accept that we are where we are due to our own decisions, to not blame others for our circumstances we find ourselves embedded in, that is the way of the peaceful warrior.
To see no color, no status, no difference when we look upon a fellow human being, to look at another's heart instead of judging by outward appearances, to say what can I do to make your life easier instead of saying what can you do for me, to try and lift someone up when they may be down, to seek no reward for any good you may do, that is the mark of a true warrior.
To find peace within even if your world seems to be turned upside down, to not be easily offended by another's words, to keep your opinion to yourself unless it happens to be part of the solution, to put another's desires above your own from time to time, to remain centered and steadfast in your love for everyone even if that love is not returned, to remain at peace when all around you you see mayhem, that is the mark of a peaceful warrior.
To all you wonderful brothers and sisters out there I wish for you the very best of everything. Be good to yourselves and if possible even better to others. May I once again remind you the above is ONLY my personal thoughts and perspective on things. I am not asking anyone to agree or disagree, but I sincerely invite all of you to join me on a similar path so maybe, just maybe, one day this world will be able to live in peace. These things I share with you today come from directly from my heart and that makes them neither "right" or "wrong". It is merely an expression of what I wish to become as a human being. I bless you all!
Saturday, March 14, 2020
I used to jokingly say that of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most. Now days I'm not sure if I have lost my mind or if the rest of the world is all crazy. Hmmmmm. It's been a bit since I've written anything on here and this could possibly be the last thing for awhile. I just don't know any more. I'm getting old, lazy, and maybe a bit jaded as well. There was a time when I felt I had a lot to say to others but now I'm just keeping more and more thoughts to myself. And that I suppose is the way it is meant to be. I shouldn't have to remind folks to be good to each other. I shouldn't have to remind them of anything. This world is quickly becoming one I don't really have much use for. I still love everybody and am still amazed at times at all the "good" I see here. But I feel like anything I try to say is taken the wrong way and misunderstood by most. But that's ok too I suppose. Back to losing my mind for a bit. If I told you the Corona Virus is not real, that there are those using the virus scare as a political weapon, that the world can be flat or round either one, that in the end none of this is real to begin with, that all you "see" is only illusion, etc would you then tell me I have lost my mind? Probably so. Really I don't propose to know anything much. I do know that long ago while I was in a meditative state of pure bliss these words came to my mind,"Give love, accept love, be love, for that is truly all you are." And now at a much later time in my life I see things more clearly. Maybe my mind is "gone" but I refuse to play some games any longer. I will keep dreaming of a world where we all walk hand in hand and where we all work together as ONE! I leave you with thoughts of love, peace, and clarity for all you wonderful folks. Be good to yourself and even better to others!
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