Saturday, March 14, 2020


I used to jokingly say that of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most. Now days I'm not sure if I have lost my mind or if the rest of the world is all crazy. Hmmmmm. It's been a bit since I've written anything on here and this could possibly be the last thing for awhile. I just don't know any more. I'm getting old, lazy, and maybe a bit jaded as well. There was a time when I felt I had a lot to say to others but now I'm just keeping more and more thoughts to myself. And that I suppose is the way it is meant to be. I shouldn't have to remind folks to be good to each other. I shouldn't have to remind them of anything. This world is quickly becoming one I don't really have much use for. I still love everybody and am still amazed at times at all the "good" I see here. But I feel like anything I try to say is taken the wrong way and misunderstood by most. But that's ok too I suppose. Back to losing my mind for a bit. If I told you the Corona Virus is not real, that there are those using the virus scare as a political weapon, that the world can be flat or round either one, that in the end none of this is real to begin with, that all you "see" is only illusion, etc would you then tell me I have lost my mind? Probably so. Really I don't propose to know anything much. I do know that long ago while I was in a meditative state of pure bliss these words came to my mind,"Give love, accept love, be love, for that is truly all you are." And now at a much later time in my life I see things more clearly. Maybe my mind is "gone" but I refuse to play some games any longer. I will keep dreaming of a world where we all walk hand in hand and where we all work together as ONE! I leave you with thoughts of love, peace, and clarity for all you wonderful folks. Be good to yourself and even better to others!