Sunday, July 17, 2011


It is so extremely difficult in today's world for any of us to be really true to ourselves.More often than not we bend and alter our own true desires so we can make others happy along the way.Most of these changes we make for others we do in love as a form of sacrifice to show the other one that we care enough to change and bend ourselves to accommodate their feelings. This is I believe very normal and even healthy in most regards but we must be careful that we dont give away all of our desires and hopes just to please others. Relationships call for the practice of give and take but it must be on a level playing field.If all we do is give give gi ve and give then we will surely one day find ourselves full of resentment toward the one or ones who we have been giving. We must learn to take some along the way and do what we need to do to feel we are fulfilling our mission here on earth.This game of give and take with others is often tricky and can be very upsetting.I believe we all must first take heed and listen to our own hearts as to what we should gi ve away and what we should keep for ourselves.Whatever your dreams are I do hope you will not let them go undiscovered because of what someone else wants or expects of you.Any thing your heart speaks to you to do then I would say do it and the rest be damned! As V. Manley Ayers states:"The individual's quest for divine satisfaction is the quivering of the compass needle, which is never still until it finds its North." I will leave you now with a thought from the Science of Mind which says; Let each of us resolve to be true to his(her) inner light, true to the truth as he (she) understands It." I hope all of you folks have a truly enlightening and peaceful week ahead which will bring forth much love and joy and goo dhealth to you and yours."HUGS" to all.


E. M. Prokop said...

Thank you for this Ron! It's true, we do give up aspects of ourselves in relationships...well, maybe not 'give up', but put aside. We never, or rarely, show our full selves to anyone..,sometimes not even us! I guess it's true, we must all find our North...hope you're having a fantastic week Ron! Your posts are inspiring.

captron52 said...

Thank you very much Eve! Sure hope your week is going great also! "HUGS"

Tim Koppenhaver said...

Ron, as you imply, balance is the key. Timing too, and picking the right battles. I think I tend to give more than I take, so when I truly need to take, I'm positioned well.

Take care.


Chris Ledgerwood said...

Thanks, Ron! I neede to read this today!

captron52 said...

Hi Tim and Chris thanks for stopping by and taking time to comment. Sure hope both of you are doing great! said...

Its true nice article. said...

Namaste brother Ron, well written post as usual. Thank you for sharing this important message.

It is with love in my heart I choose to serve myself last.

In Lak' ech, prosper in love...

captron52 said...

thks Christopher for stopping by and for the kind words. hope yo have a great week ahead!