Tuesday, February 28, 2012


"Got hurt cant work got a lot of bills
But the policy dont pay unless I get killed
"Just my luck counting on too much stuff
"Well its a way too much you never gonna get enough
"You can pile it high, but you ll never be satisified
These lyrics from a Delbert mcClinton song always reminds me just how much we a s humans think we need to have so much "stuff" to be happy. We tend to think that after we attain all the material possessions we desire then we can stop and rreally be happy. But ya know what? Like the song says you'll never be satisified. And I think that is true if we put all of our desires on material things.Lots of times less is more. George Santayana has stated the following:"I like to walk about among the beautiful things that adorn the world; but private wealth I should decline, or any sort of personal possessions, because they would take away my liberty." I like that quote.Dont get me wrong there is nothing wrong with wanting "things" or "stuff" and it does make life easier if you manage to have some money and other stuff. But the thing old George was saying I do believe, is that when we focus too much on "stuff" we oft times miss the real assets that life has to offer. Like new friendships, making peace with others, doing nice things just for the heck of it to help others, being a real friend, sharing what we do have with others, taking a quiet walk thru the woods or on the beach, watching a sunset and on and on.My hope for all of us is that we can learn to clear a lot of the "clutter" from our lives and then begin to share our true wealth with each other.I wish you and yours the very best of everything. Please try to remember to do something nice for someone today just because you can and want to!Bless you all!


The Truth Seeker's Guide said...
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The Truth Seeker's Guide said...

Well said!
It's surprising how little you have left, if you clear your head and ask yourself:
"How much do I truly want or need this?"
It's surprisingly liberating!
Peace my friend.
Carl (The 'Guide)

Silentwhisper1 said...

I'm afraid if I clear my head I might not have anything left to ponder about,lol.

Nice post, Cap. We all need that nudging in remembrance of the easy going, simple things in life that often times brings much richness to the heart and soul.Thanks for reminding me.

Always the best to you and your family, dear friend.
Warm hugs from BC~

captron52 said...

Thanks for stopping by Carl. And the best to you and yours my friend!

captron52 said...

Hello Dee. You are so funny no wonder I love ya so!Thanks for the kind words. Here's wishing you and yours the very best of everything!BTW that granddaughter of yours is so beautiful!

Tim Koppenhaver said...

Great quote from George Santayana. I try to bring minimalism into my life when I can, but it's tough. We've grown so accustomed to having our things.
Take care.

~@illunamoondrops said...

Awesome awesome. I had actually been thinking a lot about this too! Keep inspiring! I LOVE it!

captron52 said...

Hey Tim thanks for stopping in. Hope all is well for you and yours on your travels!

captron52 said...

Hi Carrie. Thanks for the visit. Glad you liked it.And thks for the kind words. "HUGS"

Unknown said...

The 3 dimensional illusion is CREATED BY THE THOUGHT PROCESS. Thinking is not being aware. "Thinking" is that thing any conscious being APPEARS TO DO to attempt to manipulate the future, or relive the pain/pleasure from the past. Both these time zones, the future and the past, do not exist. Therefore, thinking about them to manipulate them is a deception. However, to consider what is happening in this moment is not called thinking. Staying in the moment and meeting the needs of the moment is awareness of the 3 dimensional space, albeit, an illusory space. To function within this 3D space requires that needs be met. Reality, and our true eternal wisdom state, extends beyond the 3D illusory forms, and that wisdom state simply knows everything through awareness, ALREADY. Our eternal wisdom state knows the manipulation process of the luciferian egregore group of thinkers. Wisdom knows that this luciferian group plays god and plays the devil. Both of which are none existent. Wisdom, through awareness, sees how this group mindset bands together to manifest the reality they want all humanity to follow.

Take care my friend. DS888

captron52 said...

Thks for stoping by and expressing your thoughts with us.Hope all is well with you and yours