Monday, February 13, 2012


Here's hoping all of you have a wonderful day tomorrow as well as every day herein!May all of us learn to love others in the right way! Unconditional love-rather uncommon but a state of bliss when we do learn to love -unconditionly. I wish all of you the very best!


Breath-e said...
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Breath-e said...

Oh to live this way. Thank you for the inspiration, Ron.

captron52 said...

Hi Sarah. Glad you agree.Thanks for stopping by. Here's a valentine's day hug for ya "HUG"

E. M. Prokop said...

Great message Ron..our love for others should not rely on any thing except our shared humanity..hope you and yours are having a fantastic week!

captron52 said...

thank you Eve The same to you my dear