Monday, May 14, 2012


Everything good created has risen from the state of love.Simply put pure and perfect love is the cornerstone of all that is right with us and the world we are now in.George Sand has stated the following:" There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved." I agree completely. And in the Science of Mind textbook comes this quote:Love is the sole impulse for creation..... So whatever your condition, your status in life, or whatever anything, whatever you do, do it with love and out of love, and then it will be a gift to all of us!

9 comments: said...

Namaste brother Ron, these words ring true. More truth from the great John Lennon; "Love is all there is, and you know that."

In Lak'ech, from yours truly, "love is all which exists, everything else is illusion."

Joy said...

When my friend, Moriyah, obm, was dying, she said, "All that matters is love."

Please see my little sketch and photo.
Not necessary to read the prose, the collage says it all.
"Less is more."


The Truth Seeker's Guide said...

So right Cap!
I wish more people understood this.
Peace my friend.
Carl (The 'Guide)

captron52 said...

Thanks Christopher. Lennon also said there is nothing you can see that isnt shown, nothing you can know that isnt known its easy all you need is love. A musical genius John was.

captron52 said...

Hello Joy How right your friend was! Thanks for stopping by

captron52 said...

Hi Carl Hope you and yours are doing great. Thanks for the visit

E. M. Prokop said...

Hey Ron...Now I have this song ringing through my head...'The greatest gift you'll ever know, is just to love, and be loved in return'....I can't think of who does it and I think it was a pretty popular one....OMG! It just came to's 'Nature Boy'........Nat King Cole. I'm pretty sure.. Off topic, but when I was a kid I thought that Nat King Cole was the 'merry old soul' from the nursery rhyme! Great post Ron and I send *hugs* to you and yours. Hope your having a terrific long weekend!
PS ~ John Lennon was a master!

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Manoj Agadi said...

Everything in this world is related to love. whatever things we are doing we must do with love. whatever good things that are done in this world is associated with love.

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