Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I love Mother Nature! So many wonderful vistas, sunsets, sunrises, full moons, gentle breezes, thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornados, oceans, outer space, animal and plant life, etc. I could go on forever about Mother Nature even when it seems out of control (hurricanes,tornados etc) but today I would like to write about hummingbirds.I have always loved watching them, So tiny with little wings aflutter and a really long needle like beak which allows them to enjoy the nectar of the flowers. My beautiful wife has a flower garden right along our driveway which she keeps looking so great all spring and summer(she puts in quite a bit of hard work to do this) and I am able to sit on the back steps and watch all the birds and other life that makes this garden come alive.I watch all kinds of plant and animal life doing business in the garden on a daily basis.It really is a world unto its own which goes unseen by all but my wife and I.There are so many great stories I could write about this haven for wildlife but today my subject is hummingbirds.We keep a feeder stocked with sweet nectar for them and it seems as if we are blessed by at least 3 hummingbirds which come and go daily.But over this past summer I have watched more closely than usual and I am amazed at just what goes on with the birds.Now this feeder is fairly small and it has I think 6 different openings around the bottom so in theory 6 birds should be able to get all they want of the nectar at the same time. But as I have learned this summer it just doesnt work this way.Time after time I have watched as the early bird comes first and drinks quite a bit and then just sits away from the feeder on a small plant branch and keeps watch. And its just a quick moment til the other 2 birds arrive at the oasis. As soon as one of them tries to get a sip of the sweetness the one who is guarding the feeder will swoop down and chase him away. While he is doing this the 3rd bird will dart down to the feeder and try and get a quick sip before the other 2 come back.A small sip and he is then chased away by the "guardian" of the feeder, who in turn again swoops to the feeder and chases the 3rd one away again.Then it seems all 3 of them fly away chasing each other and remain gone for a moment or so. Then the 1st one arrives again and sits at the feeder and drinks all he can til he gets full and then goes and sits on the branch once again and waits for the 2nd bird to show.In a quick dart the 2nd bird arrives and lands at he feeder. As he tries to quickly get a sip the "guardian" comes and chases him away. While this goes on the 3rd one stops and gets a quick drink before being chased away once again.This pattern seems to go on and on all day long.Im guessing that when they are all away from my wife's oasis they are in someone else's garden spot repeating the dance of scurrying for a drink.All this reminds me of just how akin us humans are to the animal world.Now I know animals are born with an innate sense of doing what it takes to stay alive and to procreate their species.And about the only thing that seperates us humans from wild animals is the ability to "see" right from wrong. But then again thats an entirely different subject matter.I mean after all, what is right and what is wrong? Again those illusions come into play.Maybe Ill write about that later. But for now back to the hummingbirds.The "guardian" bird I suppopse was the first to find the feeder and staked his claim to it. Then along came bird 2 who decided it was ok for him to share in the good stuff also.Ditto for bird #3. Now even tho bird #1 drank til he was sated he still did not want to share his bounty so he fought hard and long to "defend" his domain.But 2 and 3 figured hey what the heck # 1 has more than enough so we are gonna get our share also even if it means having to fight for it. They decided he didnt need "all" of the sweet stuff so they felt justified in fighting to take some of it away for themselves.I think you are probably beginning to see how all this is happening all over the world in our "civilized" world of humanity.One of us humans finds an "oasis" of good stuff and lays claim to it. Then quickly there are many who rush in and try to take some of the good stuff for themselves even if it means fighting and killing others.And all this goes on when there is more than enough for everybody if only we were to learn the art of pure "Unconditional Love". It would only take everybody being wise enough to take only what they truly needed than share the rest with others who are in need.Like the sweet nectar from our bird feeder there is always enough, it is being replenished daily, just like the things we need as people are replenished daily by Mother Nature.If only we would take what we need then feel good about sharing the remainder with all of humankind.That would be a great state of humanity. Will this ever come about when we share the world with all? I sure hope so but Im almost sure it will never happen unless we all decide to work together as a unit and stop being so damned greedy! I mean how much does one person need to be happy and content? Probably not as much as you would first think. Yes I am a dreamer but I will go to my grave believing that humanity is worth "saving" and that one glorious day all of us will awaken to that fact and then we will at long last be on the path to real "enlightenment". In closing this entry I would just ask you to stop for a moment and ask yourself "Would you be just as content drinking only enough of life's nectar and then sharing freely the rest with all of humankind'? I believe you would be more content if you did this instead of taking and then being so adamant as to guarding your own personal oasis. If you would take a moment right now and try to think of someone you love but have not heard from in  quite some time. Then make a phone call to them just to say hey I was thinking of you and wanted to let you know I still love you.Leave your "oasis" unguarded long enough to do this then come back and see if there is even more "nectar" awaiting you.I leave all of you wonderful folks with thoughts of love peace and joy."HUGS"


The Truth Seeker's Guide said...

Wonderful article Cap and an apt metaphor for the potential in humanity. There is more than enough to go around...
And "you reap what you sow!"
All the best to you and yours.
Carl (The 'Guide)

captron52 said...

Thanks Carl.Glad you liked the entry.Appreciate all your comments as I truly value not only your friendship but your values you have as to this world and all of us in it.Your words of encouragement really mean a lot to me so thanks again my friend. As always the best to you and yours

christopherdossantos3@gmail.com said...

Namaste brother Ron, very interesting post, thanks for sharing your wisdom.

In Lak'ech, prosper in truth live with love...

captron52 said...

Hey Christopher thanks for the visit.Hope all is ging great for you and yours these days.