Monday, June 16, 2014


Nothing like a brand new day greeting one in the morning! I woke up breathing today and that is my definition of being a success. I keep my goals simple you may think, but as I see it to get anything done one must first wake up to a new day. And that goes both as a physical and a mental awakening to the new day. What ever it is that you want to get accomplished today just go for it and let it happen. The new day is a blank canvas just waiting for you to begin your masterpiece any time now. However you define your personal success, you can accomplish it right now. Martin Luther King Jr. once stated the following: "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the staircase, just take the first step." I agree with Mr. King on that! So my hope is that each of you will be able to start on your new painting of this day and that it will not only make you feel good about yourself but also that it may help one soul somewhere to have a little better day themselves! I wish for all of you a very wonderful day!


The Truth Seeker's Guide said...

I hope all is well, Ron. Just dropping by to catch your latest words of infinite wisdom! Keep 'em coming my friend!

captron52 said...

Hey Carl. Thanks for stopping by. Doing pretty good here hope all is well with you and yours. Again congrats on getting your book published. Hope all my readers check it out! said...

Namaste Ron; each day brings forth new opportunity, I hope yours includes hugs and smiles. Thanks as always for the added smile.

In Lak' ech, prosper with joy... live in harmony....

captron52 said...

Hi Christopher Was wondering where you have been lately. As always great to hear from you and I'm guessing you have been working on a new entry for your wonderful blog! Ill be looking forward to it! The best to you and yours also!