Monday, July 6, 2009


Just how hard is it to expect the best of everything to happen to us? I dont think it should be that hard but it does seem to be for most of us anyway. And the opposite is also true that we can more easily expect the worst of things to happen. And this being the case then of course the worst does occur. Im really amazed at how easily some people get into the habit of expecting everything to go against them. And then if things only go half wrong they seem to be disappointed as if life is treating them unfairly. After all they did invest much time and effort into thinking and worrying about the worst of things happening. I wonder if its because we as humans have just become too complacent with running our own lives and find it much easier to just blame others or bad luck or whatever else we can so we dont have to own up to the fact that we alone are responsiblile for what direction our lives are taking. That is not to say that things will always go our way but we do have the final choice as to how we will deal with things when they do go wrong. I believe if we could change our mindset to believe in expecting the best we would soon see a big change in our lives. But we must be willing to put forth the effort to change our thinking and we must face things as they come and do whatever we can to make things better. Just thinking positive only goes so far, we must back that thinking with action and that is where a lot of us get derailed. Many times we fail to do anything for fear of being wrong. And doing nothing equates to our lives continuing to be like a ship without an anchor. Maybe we should try to become more conscious of our everyday thoughts and if we see a negative one replace it with a positive one. Let us all expect the best today, do what we can for ourselves and for others and then see what tomorrow brings into our lives. I wish you all good luck in this endeavour and hope you quickly see the changes in your life you want to see. I will leave you with the following quotes.....

When you do not succeed, when no one seems to care for your service, or for your talents, there are two things to do: do your best and love much.
Christian D. Larson,The Pathway of Roses

We should EXPECT THE BEST, and so live that the best may become a part of our experience.
The Science of Mind


Hannah said...

I do believe that it is indeed our mindset and whether or not we're a positive or negative person that dictates the outcome of our successes and lives in general. If we're negative all of the time and think that we're never going to accomplish anything, then we most likely won't, for we most likely won't try and give up in the end.
However, if you're more of a positive person with a brighter outlook, then you may have more drive and more motivation to succeed.
That's a mere example, of course; others would apply.
Negativity is such a vastly known concept of sorts that might as well be labeled as a disease, for it spreads like a plague.

I totally agree with you when you say that we should all work harder at being positive! People are constantly inspiring me to be a happier person, and I must say that you are one of those today, my good sir!


Christina Celeste. said...

I think that together as a race us humans rely on each other for happiness. Which is good, and natural, and to a point the right way to be. I think optimism can be an image, too; if we work to achieve our happiness, then optimism is only a fingertip away :)

Great post!


captron52 said...

Thank you so much for your thoughts and kind words Hannah. Im happy that I inspired you to be happier. Hope your week is going great!"hugs"

captron52 said...

Thank you much ChristinaCeleste for stopping by and for taking the time to leave a comment. I do hope you come back another day to express your thoughts.May your week be a great one!"hugs"