Monday, July 20, 2009


If our lives here are like a ship on the ocean then its probably time we set our course for greater and higher destinations. I know from experience that a lot of us tend to get mired down in a routine and find ourselves altho not unhappy just a wee bit restless. Atleast I find myself feeling this way from time to time. And even though I really like where I am in this life at the present moment I have no doubt that there are still places I need to go and things I need to get done. I love the quote from William Shedd that says;"A ship in a safe harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is for." I agree with that wholeheartedly so Heaven help me get up off my lazy rear in the future, get out of my little ruts and set my course to a larger part of the ocean. My hope is that all of your particuliar journeys will be filled with much excitement, much love, joy, and much learning. May this present moment be your most fulfiling one ever!


Breath-e said...

I thank heavens for you.

Hannah said...

I agree with the above comment.
You should be a motivational speaker, for you always help me be a bit more optimistic and determined with each post you bring :D


captron52 said...

Thank you Sarah and Hannah. Your kind words are greatly appreciated and your friendship means the world to me."hugs"