Thursday, September 30, 2010


All of us have a t one time or another been taken advantage of, cheated, lied to, and abused by someone we knew and even trusted. Sadly, that seems to just be a part of this earthly life we cannot get around. Unless one just stays inside and never ventures out into the world they will at some time have reason to forgive someone.They say forgiveness is divine and Im sure that is true but there are more than one reason to forgive. First and foremost, I believe, is that unless we do forgive those who have hurt us the hurt will continue to linger in our minds and souls and create all kinds of "bad" things in our life. Even after we may have forgotten the hurt itself unless forgiveness has been given the old feelings still eat at one like a runaway cancer.That brings us to another reason to forgive--that is to help us( the one who has been wronged) to heal and able to get on with our life.Another reason(and one I think a lot of us overlook) to forgive is that until we do then the one who harmed us is still "winning". Chances are they have already "forgotten" the hurt they did to you and they continue on with their life as if nothing has happened. Therefore they are not bothered,( in a conscious way at least) and it does not cause them to lose any sleep over the wrong they have done. Now if we still harbor ill feelings toward that person it will keep us awake a t night thinking"How could they have done that to me?" We lose sleep trying to figure it out and the more we think of it the madder we get. That in turn raises our blood pressure and can even cause physical sickness as well as mental torment.So in that regard the one who was responsible for the hurt goes along nicely while we continue to suffer in different ways. So that makes them still winning over us. So I say go ahead and forgive(not forget) but forgive and just let it go with the assurance that the one who inflicted the damage will someday have to pay that karmic debt and in the meantime you are now free to live your life with a much better attitude. I once read an old adage somewhere that I try my best to live by--and that adage is this "The best revenge is living well". Just try that and see what happens the next time someone abuses you in any way. Just forgive them and go on and continue to live a great life. And believe me that will drive your "enemies" crazier than any other revenge you may try to exact on them. And also if you do react to their actions with a revenge motive to "equal" the score just remember that for every action there is a reaction and be most assured that the One Spirit will ALWAYS give you back a reflection of what you put out either by action or thought. So in closing let me say that if I have offended any of you in this life in any manner I am truly sorry and I ask for your forgiveness and you can be assured that I hold no ill feelings toward any of you. May "God" always help me stay centered and to remember that forgiveness is truly a Divine action. My hope and prayer for all of you truly wonderful folks is that you and yours will be blessed today and forever with the best of everything."HUGS" to all of you.


Anonymous said...

Good words! Forgive and move on and don't give the enemy any of your time. Have a great day.

Chris Ledgerwood said...

The whole idea of forgiveness is a little hard to swallow for me. Yes, I can say I forgive, and I might even believe it, but it really takes something divine to pull it off. I cannot simply feel no more anger. It's not possible. Forgiveness must flow from something deeper!

captron52 said...

Hi Wildstorm. Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to comment.. Have a great week!

captron52 said...

Hey Chris I know what you are saying my friend.I agree that it takes something divine to actually forgive. I have found that when I finally realize the greater "gift" I received when somebody does me "wrong" I am then able to forgive.I can still feel pain and even anger for a while but the lessons I learn make it all worth it so therefore I have to bless the situation for helping me become a better human being.This always helps me deal with the anger I feel at any person.But forgiveness is really "hard" sometimes and we wouldn't be human if we didn't feel anger. Hope your week is going great thanks for stopping by!