Friday, June 17, 2011


I truly do believe that life forces a certain amount of wisdom on us whether we want it or not.And those bits of wisdom which lie buried in our subconscious mind like nuggets of gold buried in the mountains can turn our lives around for the good we seek.. I believe if we truly want to experience real freedom we must first attune our minds to the Infinite Mind which I call Spirit and allow Its wisdom to flow into our conscious mind so we can begin to live our lives using the Divine Mind as our map so to speak.If we continue to stand steadfast to our old worn out beliefs about life then we will never be truly enlightened.May I suggest to those who are truly looking to expand their thinking and start living life to the fullest that you take a few moments every day, get to a quiet place, relax, clear your mind of all things and just allow the Infinite to speak Its truths to you. I am continually amazed at the bits of wisdom I keep receiving whenever I choose to listen to Spirit and keep my "old" beliefs out of the way. I do hope you will try it at least once. In his work "The Divine Romance" Yogananda states:"Spirit is the infinite reservoir of wisdom." And from the Science of Mind comes this quote: Divine Mind contains all knowledge and wisdom, but before It can reveal Its secrets, It must have an outlet. I hope you will make yourself that outlet today. Be happy live well and remember to do something nice for someone today!


Breath-e said...

Spirit speaks loudest in the silence.

Thank you again, Ron

E. M. Prokop said...

It's always beneficial to sit and quiet the mind for a few minutes each promotes a sense of well being ..thanks Ron, Peace to you

captron52 said...

Hi Sarah and Eve thanks to the both of yu for dropping by and sharing your thoughts.Hope you and yours have a truly great weekend!

Chris Ledgerwood said...

I go upstairs to my "man Cave" Usually turn on some good musis, and talk to God! Great post

Chris Ledgerwood said...

Ron, if you get a chance check out the Poets website.

captron52 said...

Thanks Chris. I will check out the website thanks for the invite hope you and yours have a truly great week ahead!