Monday, August 29, 2011


Why is it we oft times feel depressed, sad, hurt, angry, or any other negative emotions? There can be many reasons I'm sure but I do believe all of these negative emotions can be overcome when we find our true center and attune our every thought within that center of perfect peace, perfect love, and perfect understanding.I think we must look within our own hearts and subconscious minds to again reunite with that sacred center. But no matter how long we have felt "removed" from this center you can be assured it is still there. Always has been and always will be. Our lives can be made so much more content and joyful and better in every regard if we take the time to find and connect and remain attuned with this center of our true being. Ralph Waldo Trine once stated the following:"To find one's center, to become centered in the Infinite, is the first great essential of every satisifactory life."  I have to agree with Mr. Trine on that! My sincere hope is that each of you have right now found yourself totally immersed with the Infinite Sacred Center of your being and that your life is one filled with much love peace and joy. May your new week be a great one! I would ask that as you go along in living that you try to do something nice for someone today and that yo share your love with all!


Tim Koppenhaver said...

Nice post Ron. Have a great week.
TK said...

Namaste brother Ron, beautiful post and so true. I am convinced the television is one of the primary culprits. When we accept that each moment is manifest perfection we release the need to qualify our external world.

In Lak' ech, the center of NOW...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the words of inspiration, I am doing my best on my new found path and I am letting go of all the negatives that have kept me as their puppet...
I am what I am.

captron52 said...

Hi Tim Thanks for stopping by my friend. I see on your blog that you have been enjoying some travel time. Hope things are going really great for you and yours!

captron52 said...

Hey Christopher great to hear from you again!Hope things are going really great for ya!Glad you liked the post and thanks for the kind words.I agree about the tv.Another example of technology that we have turned into an escape mechanism instead of using it to do good with!Lots of folks say to me they dont have time to get out and just appreciate nature or time to do something nice for their neighbors etc but yet they cAn find "time" to watch the tv for hours on end and most of that is useless garbage! Keep up the good work you are doing on your blog my friend

captron52 said...

Hi Fredrick thank you for again stopping in and taking the time to shafre yoiufr thoughts with us. Its so good tohear from another soul who has de cided to travel the road that leads back to themself!