Friday, July 13, 2012


Within all living things lies the "perfection" that oft times goes unseen by others. And as human beings I believe that we at times forget "who" we are and that we also fail to remember that underneath all the "layers"we have that "perfect' center that no one nor anything can ever take away from us.We may lose sight of this perfect place but I believe that it always remains ready to once again be discovered by oneself.Why we can easily discover our baser side but have trouble seeing our perfect side remains a mystery to me.But when one remembers they possess this center of perfection and do the necessary work to bring it to the front of our minds, they then realize and accept the inner peace and will be rapt in the one eternal moment they find themselves in.I know from personal experience just how "hard" it can be at times to rediscover this center but I truly believe we all can find it and keep it at the forefront of our conscious mind.I would like to share with you a quote from Emma Curtis Hopkins who has stated:"The only words you can speak and be identified with, wisely, are, "I am my own understanding of God." These words bring you face to face with the highest part of yourself." And another quote from the Science of Mind Textbook states; If day by day, we have a greater understanding and a clearer concept, if daily we are realizing more of the Truth and applying It in our actions, then we are on the right path and eventually we shall be made free. My hope for each of you folks is that you have already discovered this "center" within your deepest consciousness and that you are able to call on  it at any time and in any place. For if you have learned to do that I truly believe you will find yourself living a life filled with much love, peace and joy! And if I may suggest that you try to do something nice for someone today tomorrow and forever.


The Truth Seeker's Guide said...

It's wonderful how your material helps to bring things back into perspective for me... especially whenever I start to drift!
Keep up the excellent work my friend.
All the best.
Carl (The 'Guide)

captron52 said...

Hey Carl. Thanks man I do apreciate the positive feedback. Glad I can help keep ya from drifting too far. The best to you and yours forever! said...

Namaste brother Ron, well written and a pleasure to read. You seem to be demanding more of your God self these last two posts, had anything of spiritual consequence happened in June? It appears you have made a decision to be less coy in your posts.

Very nice to see, we always need to stretch our spiritual wings to their full length.

In Lak'ech, brother Ron, being what I am....

captron52 said...

Hi Christopher Thanks for once again stopping by.I cant say anything "unusual" or "dramatic" has happened to me in a spiritual way lately. I dont consciously decide to be coy in any way. All of my thoughts are just triggered in mostly mundane ways and I try to get my "little" self out of the way and just become an open instrument for that One Divine Mind of which we all are.Just gotta make sure I keep that old nemisis (my ego) out of the way at all times.I really appreciate your wisdom and for the feedback as it helps me to be who I am. May this week be extra special for you and yours!

E. M. Prokop said...

Hello Cap! Great post, I think it's so common for us to see the negative side of ourselves first..for me, starting yoga again has helped me put life into perspective, and it's good for the arthritis! Have a fabulous day..hope you guys aren't too hot down there! *hugs*

Silentwhisper1 said...

Hiyas, Cap....

Love this post, it lays near to how I've been feeling.I only hope I can keep the magic within my core, somethings can be so fleeting.Its difficult to stay centred with one-self from day to day, however, you are a dear reminder that it's possible.

Bless you my friend.Bless you~

captron52 said...

Hi Eve thanks for the visit.You're not "old" enough to suffer form arthritis are ya? Sure hope the yoga helps keep you young and vibrant for many years to come!

captron52 said...

Hi Dee thanks for stopping by and for the kind words.I know what you mean, it can be hard at tiems to find that sacred center of peace but it always helps me just to remember that it is always there even if and when I cloud it over with my "darkness" that arises from time to time.Maybe we can always help each other to rediscover that "inner light" wehn one of us goes off the deep end.Hope you and yoiurs are enjoying this precious moment!