Friday, August 21, 2009


So, just how many things are you thankful for in your life? Im sure all of you have been blessed with at least a few things to be thankful for. But it is always so easy to overlook those "good" things and for us to be worried about the things we dont have. Why do you suppose we as humans are prone to look at life in that way? I wish I had the answer to that one. Our lives can be filled with many many blessings but instead of giving thanks for them we go round bemoaning the lack of things we want or think we need. And since life gives to us that which we think about the most is it no wonder so many of us find ourselves unfulfilled and less than totally pleased with our circumstances? If we can train our minds to give thanks for our good every moment then it will become second nature for us to accept only the good things we desire. I Know it sounds easy but I also know from experience just how hard it can be to look at our good when it seems everything is going haywire. But if we look closely we can find that our good really does outweigh any "bad" stuff.I really like the following quote from Meister Eckhart:"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was "thank you" that would suffice."So let us all begin to give thanks for everything that comes our way and lets see if that doesn't make our lives so much more fulfilling. I hope and pray that all of you are now doing well and that you and yours will have a really terrific weekend!

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