Thursday, February 17, 2011


Why is it we as human beings have such a hard time letting go of events, people we love, jobs that are unfulfilling,old negative memories, old habits that tie us down, etc etc etc ? I really wish I had the perfect answer for that question. But I can only hazard a guess as to why many of us are that way with our lives. One reason, I believe, is that we are often more comfortable expressing in a negative experience than we would be in taking a risk to change things. Everyone should be able to clearly see that everything in this material world will change in one way or another.And if we resist these changes it only serves to make us miserable. How many folks do you know right now who say they hate their job but still they remain doing it day after day? Likewise how many people do you know who stay in a personal relationship that makes them miserable simply because they are afraid of change? If you look closely enough Im sure you will find more than a few people who do this. Even if we know that a change is the only way we can find our happiness we put off this change because we fear the unknown. Being rousted out of our "comfort zone" oft times forces us to deal with uncertainties and can cause us much grief and even heartbreak. But in the end we must learn to accept change and make it our "friend" instead of something to be "afraid" of.I am sure you have seen times in your own life when you dreaded having to make a change but after all was said and done you realized it had really been a blessing in disguise. So my hope for all of us is that we can quickly learn to accept , maybe even relish, each change as it comes knocking at our door.And may your "changes" be easy ones that make your life so much happier and brighter. I leave you now with a quote from T.S. Eliot who says,"In my end is my beginning." "HUGS" to all!


Breath-e said...

The only constant is change. Might as well ask for the changes we what rather than be handed changes without consideration. Just sayin'

captron52 said...

You are right of course Sarah. But still those unasked for changes can shake one up a little. Hope youi are doing great. Your fairy tales on your other "blog" are terrific! said...

Excellent post Ronny, most people trust humanity will continue to express much the same as years before. As we jet toward the zero point, change will come fast and furious. Those of us who cannot adapt are going to find the ride a little bumpy.

In Lak' ech, my brother, changing fear into love...

captron52 said...

Thks for stopping by Christopher Hope your week is going really great!