Saturday, November 26, 2011


Today I see that one of my "followers" on the blog has opted to stop following it. Maybe it was the same person who copied my blog and mailed it to my brother. If that is the case I'd sure love to talk with whomever it was. Oh well, I always knew one cannot make everybody happy at the same time! To all of you other friends who remain readers of this blog I will say I love ya I wish the very best for you and yours and if by chance I ever do say something that upsets you or that you do not understand or that you totally disagree with then by all means please feel free to call or write me so we can talk. May the rest of this weekend bring all of you much love, peace, joy, and enlightenment!


Chris Ledgerwood said...

It's all cool, Ron!! I'll follow you twice!!!!

captron52 said...

knew I could count on you Chris! Hey man I cant wait to get the new cd you and the band have out!Have a really great week my friend