Thursday, January 12, 2012


Are you maybe one of those folks who is just waiting fro something to change so you can at last be happy?Well, I hope not! Instead I would hope that you are a person who can truthfully say right now that you are happy no matter the circumstances you find yourself in at the moment. I believe that many times we waste our time and energy "trying" to be happy, instead of just letting go and "being" happy.So if you are by chance waiting for something to "make" you happy may I suggest that you drop all expectations as to what would make you happy and instead go on and reach deep within and "see" and "allow" the happiness that already resides within your heart to express fully and freely right now right here! As Deepak Chopra has written: Nothing creates more unhappiness than failed expectations....... expectations are an attempt to control the future. And as we all should know by now trying to control the future to meet all our expectations can only cause much heartache and broken dreams. Go ahead my friends--Live today for everything it already is! Joy love peace good times etc I now leave you with thoughts of pure and perfect love to you and yours. May each moment given freely to you by the "ONE MIND" be a moment of joy to you and everyone you touch!

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