Friday, January 13, 2012


For reasons unknow my blog shows I am following Hannikate but Im not. This is some kind of spam and when I click on the link it takes me to a gossip page. Anyone know how I can get this crap off of my blog page? Thks


E. M. Prokop said...

Sorry Cap..I have no idea how you can 'unfollow' Hannikate..that's weird! A lot of people are saying they're having problems with Blogger..maybe there's a ghost in the machine! lol! Hope you're having a great weekend in spite of Hannikate!

captron52 said...

thks Eve Yes I am having trouble with the blog. Some of them when I click on wont take me anywhere except a blank page or a spam site.I dunno whats going on here either maybe they will get it fixed soon. Have yourself a great week ahead. "HUGS"