Friday, January 20, 2012


I truly believe that having confidence in anything we desire to do or make happen is of the utmost importance. Also there is a big difference in confidence and false hope. Also a fine line is there between confidence and  arrogance! To be confident is a necessity but arrogance is truly a total waste of time as I see it.If we are to have our desires made manifest in this material 3 D world I think we must first align our 2 parts of the mind with what it is we desire. Being confident in our conscious mind will only carry us so far unless we also impress our subconscious mind first.Have often have you failed to see your desires unfulfilled even though you were outwardly confident of the results being in your favor? When that happens I believe it would behoove us to take a closer look at what our subconscious mind really thinks.Its one thing to wish for something good to happen than to be confident in both minds. If we are not confident on that deeper layer of mind then no amout of confidence in the conscious mind will enable us to fully express all the "good" we desire. I think we need to work on our subconscious mind more and learn to really listen to what it is telling you! Thomas Troward once stated :"We must endeavor to impress upon our subjective mind the idea of that which we desire quite apart from any conditions." I must agree with Mr Troward on that one! May all of you find that "inner" confidence quickly and learn to use it to make manifest your dreams! And  may you always be on the look out for that old negative arrogance and squash it before it grows outta control. I leave you with thoughts of love, peace, joy, and understanding. And if you can please try a nd do something nice for someone today just because you can!


Breath-e said...

May your light shine bright onto your doubts and reveal those doubts as self-love and compassion that is inherent in our selves. Then move forward in confidence. You are wonderful,Ron. Many warm wishes to you.

E. M. Prokop said...

Inspiring as always...I always think of Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, singing that 'I Have Confidence' song..there is a difference between confidence and cockiness isn't there? Thanks for this Ron!

captron52 said...

Hello Sarah and Eve Thanks to the both of you for your kind words.Its always great to hear from you!The very best to you both now and always

astewden said...

Real deep thinking; yes, anything is possible; if we can conceive it, we must believe it. The world has no end---it has been from the beginning of times and will be to the end of times; hard to comprehend, because in the early stages of this world, it was 'without form and void' and 'darkness was upon the face of the earth.' Can you picture anyone walking around except only God in such darkness without going insane? With the proclamation of sudden the Lord saying, "Let there be light and there was light," everyone would certainly rejoice.
Much blessings to you.

captron52 said...

thank you astewden for the visit and for sharing your thoughts with us. The best to you also