Monday, August 2, 2010


Another paragraph from Mr. Rocco Errico concerning the gospel is what I'd like to share with you this evening.Again Mr Errico is an expert in the original writings of the bible which was written in aramaic and changed into the english language by other authors. Mr Errico tells us that the word for "gospel" in Aramaic is swartha. It also means 'joyful hope, expectation, and news that makes glad." The gospel, then, is the joyful expectation or message. The word swartha is not to be confused with the book titles of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. The Aramaic word here is Karozootha, meaning "preaching,declaration," but it is also translated as "gospel". Each of their(Matthew Mark Luke John) books is their own "spin" or preaching on the teachings of Jesus. Therefore, the four gospels are a mixture of Jesus' teachings with interpretations based on the views of these authors of the books of "gospel"
And as a thought of my own Id like to add that I sincerely believe that the only reason Jesus Himself did not write any books of his own was because He was so in tune to humans ways of thinking and doing that He knew His writings would be misinterpreted or used in the wrong way. If Im not badly mistaken the only account of Jesus ever writing anything down was when he used a stick to write in the sand knowing it would quickily be erased when the tides came in. Just a little food for thought as you continue on your path to true enlightenment. May God bless you and yours now and always


Chris Ledgerwood said...

Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

A little more food for thought on the path to enlightenment - Jesus did not baptize anyone, but he allowed it. He didn't write anythng down but he allowed it. its a bit arrogant to interpret what Jesus was thinking. the gospel is good news for sure.

captron52 said...

thanks Chris for stopping by

anonymous-- calling me arrogant takes some set of balls since you are the one who keeps telling me you have the answers and Im full of crap or writing heresey as you once put it.At least Im not arrogant enough to tell anyone their spiritual beliefs are wrong.

Anonymous said...

captron, its not arrogance, its the truth which is backed up by facts. SOM does not offer any such facts. Arrogance is declaring that you knew what Jesus was thinking. It is a real stretch of imagination to make such a proclamation. Anyone not smoking dope should agree. If you are right about things, and if you care about a fellow human traveler such as myself, now is your chance to demonstrate the reality of SOM. I don't expect you to do that, though. It's all philosphy that condones sin as declared by the one God that you don't yet know. I have written softly, hope you can read it that way and not from a prejudiced attitude. A lot is at stake here.

captron52 said...

Peace be with you always!

Anonymous said...

thanks again! May the Lord of heaven and earth bless you with revelation and all the goodness that goes with it.